
Public Expenditure Survey Committee

Published Sep 8, 2024

Definition of Public Expenditure Survey Committee

The Public Expenditure Survey Committee, often referred to as the PESC, is a specialized governmental body tasked with reviewing and assessing public spending. The committee’s primary function is to ensure that government expenditures are efficient, justifiable, and aligned with public policy objectives. It evaluates various aspects of public spending, including the allocation of funds, the effectiveness of spending programs, and the financial management within departments.


Suppose the government of a country has decided to launch a nationwide healthcare initiative aimed at improving access to essential medical services in rural areas. The Public Expenditure Survey Committee would step in to:

  1. Assess the budget allocated for the initiative, ensuring that it is sufficient to meet the program’s objectives without causing undue strain on the national budget.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative by examining how funds are being utilized on the ground, such as whether the money is being spent on equipment, staffing, or infrastructure effectively.
  3. Provide recommendations for reallocating resources if it finds inefficiencies or areas where funds could be better spent.
  4. Monitor the ongoing progress of the healthcare initiative to ensure it remains on track and continues to achieve its intended outcomes.

By performing these functions, the PESC helps to maintain fiscal discipline and ensures that taxpayers’ money is spent wisely.

Why the Public Expenditure Survey Committee Matters

The Public Expenditure Survey Committee plays a crucial role in maintaining transparency and accountability in government spending. Its work helps to:

  • Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending by identifying and curbing wasteful expenditures.
  • Ensure that government funds are directed towards programs and initiatives that provide the greatest public benefit.
  • Promote fiscal responsibility and discipline within government departments and agencies.
  • Build public trust by demonstrating that taxpayer money is being used prudently and for the intended purposes.

As a result, the PESC’s activities contribute to better governance and more responsible fiscal management, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does the Public Expenditure Survey Committee conduct its reviews?

The PESC conducts its reviews through a combination of methods, including:

  • Examining financial reports and budgets submitted by government departments.
  • Conducting site visits to government projects and programs to observe spending practices firsthand.
  • Engaging with stakeholders, including public sector employees, beneficiaries of government programs, and independent experts, to gather diverse perspectives on expenditure efficiency.
  • Utilizing data analytics and performance metrics to assess the impact and outcomes of government spending.

By using these comprehensive methods, the PESC ensures a thorough and accurate review of public expenditures.

What happens if the Public Expenditure Survey Committee identifies inefficiencies or misuse of funds?

If the PESC identifies inefficiencies or misuse of funds during its review, it will:

  1. Report its findings to relevant government authorities, including parliamentary oversight committees and the finance ministry.
  2. Provide recommendations for addressing the identified issues, which may include reallocating funds, revising budgetary priorities, or implementing more stringent financial controls.
  3. Monitor the implementation of its recommendations to ensure that corrective actions are taken and that similar issues do not recur in the future.

The ultimate goal is to improve the overall effectiveness and integrity of public spending.

Can the public access reports and findings from the Public Expenditure Survey Committee?

Yes, in many jurisdictions, the reports and findings of the PESC are made available to the public. This transparency helps to:

  • Hold government departments accountable for their spending practices.
  • Provide citizens with insight into how public funds are being used.
  • Foster an informed public debate on government finances and expenditure priorities.

However, some sensitive information may be withheld to protect national security or privacy concerns.

How does the Public Expenditure Survey Committee ensure its independence and objectivity?

To maintain its independence and objectivity, the PESC typically:

  • Operates independently of the executive branch of government, often reporting directly to the legislature or a parliamentary oversight body.
  • Is composed of members with diverse expertise and backgrounds, ensuring a balanced and impartial perspective.
  • Abides by strict ethical standards and professional guidelines in conducting its reviews.
  • Engages with external experts and stakeholders to validate its findings and recommendations.

These measures help the PESC to perform its duties without undue influence or bias.