
Serial Correlation

Published Sep 8, 2024

Definition of Serial Correlation

Serial correlation, also known as autocorrelation, occurs when the residuals, or errors, in a regression analysis are correlated with each other. In simpler terms, it means that the error terms from different time periods or observations are not independent. Serial correlation can signal that the model may be misspecified or that it is missing significant variables. It is particularly common in time series data where historical values influence current values.


Consider you are analyzing the stock prices of a particular company over a year. You might find that today’s stock price is influenced by yesterday’s stock price, creating a pattern over time. If an econometric model is fitted to predict stock prices but fails to account for this dependency, the residuals will exhibit serial correlation.

For a more concrete example, imagine you are studying the relationship between a country’s GDP growth and its inflation rate over several decades. If you plot the residuals of your regression model, you’ll notice that positive residuals (periods when the model underestimated GDP growth) tend to be followed by other positive residuals and vice versa. This pattern indicates serial correlation, suggesting that there may be unobserved factors or missing lags in the model that are influencing GDP growth in consecutive periods.

Why Serial Correlation Matters

Serial correlation is an important concept in econometrics and statistics for several reasons:

  1. Bias in Parameter Estimates: Serial correlation can lead to bias in the estimated coefficients of a regression model. This bias can, in turn, affect the reliability and accuracy of the model’s predictions and interpretations.
  2. Impact on Standard Errors: Serial correlation makes the standard errors of the coefficient estimates incorrect. This can result in unreliable statistical inferences, such as misleading confidence intervals and p-values. Analysts might incorrectly conclude that a variable is significant when it is not, or vice versa.
  3. Model Specification: Detecting serial correlation prompts analysts to re-evaluate their model specifications, steering them towards corrective actions like including lagged variables or applying time series models better suited to the data structure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How is serial correlation tested in a dataset?

Serial correlation can be tested using several statistical tests, the most common of which are the Durbin-Watson test, the Breusch-Godfrey test, and the Ljung-Box test.

  • Durbin-Watson Test: This test specifically detects first-order serial correlation (i.e., correlation between adjacent residuals). A Durbin-Watson statistic close to 2 indicates no serial correlation, while values deviating significantly from 2 suggest positive or negative serial correlation.
  • Breusch-Godfrey Test: This test can detect higher-order serial correlation. It involves regressing the residuals on their lagged values and other regressors in the model, checking if the lagged residuals significantly explain the current residuals.
  • Ljung-Box Test: Often used in time series analysis, this test checks if groups of autocorrelations of the residuals are jointly zero, providing a broader assessment of serial correlation over multiple lags.

What are the corrective measures for serial correlation?

Several techniques can address serial correlation in a regression model:

  • Inclusion of Lagged Variables: Adding lagged dependent or independent variables can capture the historical influence and reduce serial correlation.
  • Use of Difference Equations: Taking the difference of the variables can help achieve stationarity and remove serial correlation, particularly in time series data.
  • Generalized Least Squares (GLS): Unlike Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), GLS adjusts the model to account for the serial correlation structure in the error terms, providing more efficient estimates.
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models: These are specifically designed for time series data with serial correlation, incorporating autoregressive and moving average components to handle dependency structures.

Can serial correlation indicate a problem in data collection?

Yes, serial correlation can sometimes indicate issues with data collection or recording. For instance, if measurement errors persist over time or data collection processes introduce systematic biases, these errors can create serial correlation. Ensuring data integrity and using rigorous collection and validation methods can help mitigate this risk.

Does serial correlation always indicate a problem with the model?

While serial correlation often suggests that a model is misspecified or missing key variables, it is not always a problem. In some cases, high-frequency data or inherent temporal dynamics can naturally exhibit serial correlation. In such scenarios, acknowledging and modeling the serial correlation using appropriate techniques can lead to more accurate predictions and better understanding of the underlying processes.