How to Calculate the Unemployment Rate

How to Calculate the Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate describes the proportion of a country’s labor force that is without a job even though it’s willing and able to work. It is one of the broadest and most commonly used indicators of the strength and health of an economy (see also most relevant economic indicators). In […]

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The Four Types of Goods

The Four Different Types of Goods

In microeconomics, goods can be categorized in many different ways. One of the most common distinctions is based on two characteristics: excludability and rivalrousness. That means we categorize goods depending on whether people can be prevented from consuming them (excludability) and whether individuals can consume them without affecting their availability […]

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Factors of Production

The Four Factors of Production

The four factors of production are one of the foundations of economic activity. They describe all the inputs or resources that are used in the production of goods and services. The classical factors of production include land, labor, and capital. In recent years, however, a fourth factor has been added […]

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