- A Priori
- A-Share
- Aaa Rating
- Abatement Cost
- Abenomics
- Ability And Earnings
- Ability To Pay
- Ability-to-pay Principle
- Ability-To-Pay Taxation
- Abnormal Profit
- Absolute Advantage
- Absolute Poverty
- Absorption
- Abstinence
- Accelerated Depreciation
- Accelerator
- Accelerator Effect
- Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
- Acceptance
- Accepting House
- Accession Countries
- Accommodatory Monetary Policy
- Accounting
- Accounting Period
- Accounting Profit
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Accrued Revenue
- Acid-Test Ratio
- Acquisition (Company)
- Actual Spending
- Actuarially Fair Odds
- Ad Valorem Tax
- Ad–As Model
- Ad–Ia Model
- Adaptive Expectations
- Adjustable Peg
- Adjusted R-Squared
- Adjustment
- Adjustment Costs
- Adjustment Programme
- Administered Price
- Administration
- Advance Corporation Tax
- Advances
- Advantage
- Adverse Selection
- Adverse Supply Shock
- Advertising
- Advertising Elasticity Of Demand
- Affirmative Action
- Affordable Care Act
- After-Sales Service
- After-Tax Income
- Age-Earnings Profile
- Agency Cost
- Agency Problem
- Agency Theory
- Agent
- Agflation
- Agglomeration Economies
- Aggregate Demand
- Aggregate Demand Curve
- Aggregate Demand Schedule
- Aggregate Production Function
- Aggregate Supply
- Aggregation
- Aggregation Problem
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Protection
- Aid To Families With Dependent Children
- Aitken Estimator
- Ak Model
- Alchian–Allen Effect
- Allais Paradox
- Allocational Efficiency
- Allocative Efficiency
- Almon Distributed Lag
- Almost Sure Convergence
- Alpha Stocks
- Alternative Minimum Tax
- Altruism
- Amalgamation
- Ambiguity Aversion
- American Economic Association
- American Federation Of Labor And Congress Of Industrial Organizations
- American School
- Amoroso–Robinson Relation
- Amortization
- Anglo-Saxon Model
- Animal Spirits
- Announcement Effect
- Annual Effective Discount Rate
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual Report And Accounts
- Annuity
- Anomalies
- Anti-Competitive Practice
- Anti-Dumping Action
- Anti-Dumping Duty
- Anti-Pollution Measures
- Anti-Rival Good
- Anticipated Inflation
- Antitrust
- Antitrust Law
- Applied Economics
- Applied Microeconomics
- Appreciation
- Apprenticeship
- Appropriate Technology
- Appropriation Account
- Appropriation Bill
- Arbitrage
- Arbitrage Pricing Theory
- Arbitrageur
- Arbitration
- Arc Elasticity
- Arithmetic Mean
- Arm’s-Length Price
- Arrow Information Paradox
- Arrow-Debreu Economy
- Arrow-Debreu Security
- Arrow-Debreu State Price
- Arrow–Debreu Model
- Arrow’S Impossibility Theorem
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec)
- Assembly Line
- Asset Motive
- Asset Prices
- Asset-backed Securities (ABS)
- Asset-Stripping
- Assets
- Assisted Area
- Asymmetric Information
- Asymptotic Distribution
- Asymptotic Theory
- Atkinson Index
- Atkinson–Stiglitz Theorem
- Auction
- Auctioneer
- Audit
- Auditor
- Augmented Dickey-Fuller
- Augmented Phillips Curve
- Augmented Product
- Aumann’S Agreement Theorem
- Austerity
- Austrian School
- Autarchy
- Autarky
- Authorized Capital
- Autocorrelation
- Autocorrelation Coefficient
- Autocorrelation Function
- Autocovariance
- Autocovariance Function
- Automated Econometrics
- Automatic Stabilizer
- Automatic Stabilizers
- Automation
- Autonomous Consumption
- Autonomous Expenditure
- Autonomous Investment
- Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (Arch) Model
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (Arima) Model
- Autoregressive Moving Average (Arma) Model
- Autoregressive Process
- Average Cost
- Average Cost Pricing
- Average Fixed Cost
- Average Propensity To Consume
- Average Revenue
- Average Tax Rate
- Average Total Cost
- Average Variable Cost
- Averch-Johnson Effect
- Avoidable Cost
- Axiom
- Axioms Of Preference