- Baby Boomer
- Backus–Kehoe–Kydland Puzzle
- Backus–Smith Puzzle
- Backward Induction
- Backward Integration
- Backward-Bending Supply Curve
- Backwardation
- Backwardness
- Bad Debt
- Bad Debt Provision
- Bailout
- Balance Of Payments
- Balance Of Payments (BOP)
- Balance Of Trade
- Balance Of Trade (BOT)
- Balance-Of-Payments Crisis
- Balance-Sheet
- Balanced Budget
- Balanced Budget Amendment
- Balanced Budget Multiplier
- Balanced Growth Path
- Balanced Investment Strategy
- Balanced Trade
- Balances With The Bank Of England
- Balancing Item
- Baltic Dry Index
- Bancassurance
- Bandwagon Effect
- Bank
- Bank Account
- Bank Capital
- Bank Credit
- Bank Deposit
- Bank Deposits
- Bank For International Settlements
- Bank Guarantee
- Bank Loan
- Bank Note
- Bank Of Credit And Commerce International
- Bank Rate
- Bank Rating
- Bank Regulation
- Bank Reserve
- Bank Run
- Bank Stress Test
- Banker’s Acceptance
- Banker’S Draft
- Bankers Automated Credit System
- Banking
- Banking System
- Bankruptcy
- Bargaining
- Bargaining Model Of War
- Bargaining Power
- Barrels Of Oil Equivalent Per Day (BOE/D)
- Barriers To Entry
- Barriers To Exit
- Barter
- Barter Economy
- Base Effect
- Base Erosion And Profit Shifting
- Base Money
- Base Period
- Base Rate
- Base-Weighted Index
- Basel Agreement
- Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS)
- Basis Point
- Basis Point (BPS)
- Basis Risk
- Basket Of Goods
- Batch Production
- Baumol’S Law
- Bayes Theorem
- Bayesian Econometrics
- Bayesian Inference
- Bear Market
- Bearer Bond
- Beckstrom’S Law
- Before-Tax Income
- Beggar-My-Neighbour Policy
- Behavioral Economics
- Behavioral Finance
- Behavioural Economics
- Behavioural Theories Of The Firm
- Bell Curve
- Bellman Equation
- Below-The-Line
- Benefit Principle
- Benefit-Cost Ratio
- Benefits In Kind
- Benefits Principle
- Benefits System
- Benelux
- Bequest Motive
- Bergson-Samuelson Social Welfare Function
- Bertrand Competition
- Bertrand Paradox
- Bertrand–Edgeworth Model
- Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
- Best-Fit Line
- Beta Coefficient
- Beta Stocks
- Between-Groups Estimator
- Beveridge Curve
- Bid
- Bid And Ask
- Bid Price
- Bid-Ask Spread
- Biflation
- Big Push
- Big Push Model
- Bilateral Contract
- Bilateral Monopoly
- Bilateral Trade
- Bill
- Bill Of Exchange
- Bimodal Distribution
- Binary Choice Models
- Biological Interest Rate
- Bioremediation
- Birmingham School
- Bishop–Cannings Theorem
- Black Economy
- Black Market
- Black Monday
- Black-Scholes Equation
- Black–Scholes Model
- Blair House Agreement
- Blended Rate
- Blue Chip
- Blue-Chip Stock
- Board Of Directors
- Board Of Governors
- Bombay Stock Exchange (BS)
- Bond
- Bond Covenant
- Bond Discount
- Bond Equivalent Yield (BEY)
- Bond ETF
- Bond Fund
- Bond Futures
- Bond Ladder
- Bond Market
- Bond Rating
- Bond Rating Agencies
- Bond Yield
- Bond-Rating Agency
- Bondareva–Shapley Theorem
- Bondholder
- Bonus
- Bonus Issue
- Boom
- Boom And Bust Cycle
- Boots Theory
- Borda Count
- Borrower
- Borrowing
- Borrowing Base
- Bottleneck
- Bottom Line
- Bottom-Up Investing
- Bounded Rationality
- Box-Cox Transformation
- Box-Jenkins Approach
- Bp Curve
- Brady Plan
- Braess’S Paradox
- Brain Drain
- Branch Banking
- Brand
- Brand Awareness
- Brand Loyalty
- Brand Recognition
- Brander–Spencer Model
- Brandt Report
- Break-Even
- Break-Up Value
- Breakeven Point
- Bretton Woods
- Bretton Woods Agreement
- Bretton Woods System
- Breusch-Pagan Test
- Brexit
- Broad Money
- Broker
- Broker-Dealer
- Brokerage
- Brokerage Fee
- Brownfield Investment
- Brownian Motion
- Bubble
- Budget
- Budget Constraint
- Budget Deficit
- Budget Line
- Budget Set
- Budget Surplus
- Budget Variance
- Budget Year
- Buffer Stock
- Buffer Stock Scheme
- Build America Bonds (BABs)
- Building And Loan Association
- Building Society
- Built-In Stabilizers
- Bull Market
- Bull Spread
- Bullionism
- Bundesbank
- Bundle Of Goods
- Bundling
- Bureau Of Economic Analysis
- Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS)
- Bureaucracy
- Business
- Business Activities
- Business Asset
- Business Banking
- Business Cycle
- Business Economics
- Business Ecosystems
- Business Ethics
- Business Exit Strategy
- Business Expansion Scheme
- Business Intelligence (Bi)
- Business Rate
- Business Sector
- Business To Government (B2G)
- Business Valuations
- Business-To-Business (B2B)
- Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
- Buy-Out
- Buyback
- Buyer’s Market
- Buying On Margin
- Buying Power
- By-Product
- Bygones