- Dad–Sas Model
- Dark Web
- Data Mining
- David Ricardo
- Dawn Raid
- Dead Cat Bounce
- Deadweight Burden Of Taxes
- Deadweight Loss
- Deadweight Loss Of Taxation
- Dear Money
- Death Duties
- Debenture
- Debreu’S Representation Theorems
- Debt
- Debt Burden
- Debt Crisis
- Debt Deflation
- Debt Management
- Debt Neutrality
- Debt Relief
- Debt Rescheduling
- Debt Service
- Debt Service Ratio
- Debt-Collection Agency
- Debt-To-GDP Ratio
- Debtor
- Debtors
- Decentralization
- Decile
- Decision Theory
- Decision Tree
- Decreasing Returns To Scale
- Deductibility
- Deductibles
- Default
- Defence Spending
- Deferred Share
- Deficiency Payment
- Deficit
- Deficit Spending
- Defined Benefit
- Defined Contribution
- Deflation
- Deflationary Gap
- Deflator
- Degrees Of Freedom
- Degressive Tax
- Deindustrialization
- Deleveraging
- Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
- Delors Report
- Demand
- Demand Curve
- Demand Deposit
- Demand Deposits
- Demand Elasticity
- Demand For Labor
- Demand For Money
- Demand Function
- Demand Inflation
- Demand Management
- Demand Schedule
- Demand Schedules
- Demand Shock
- Demand Theory
- Demand-Deficiency Unemployment
- Demand-Determined Output
- Demand-Pull Inflation
- Demographic Dividend
- Demographic Economics
- Demographic Transition
- Demographic Unemployment
- Demographics
- Demonetization
- Demutualization
- Dependency Culture
- Dependency Ratio
- Dependent Care Benefits
- Dependent Variable
- Depletable Resources
- Deposit
- Deposit Account
- Deposit Insurance
- Deposit Multiplier
- Depository Institutions Deregulation And Monetary Control Act
- Depreciation
- Depreciation (Capital)
- Depreciation (Currency)
- Depressed Area
- Depression
- Deregulation
- Derivative (Financial)
- Derived Demand
- Deseasonalized Data
- Destination Principle Of Taxation
- Deterrents To Entry
- Detrending
- Deutschmark
- Devaluation
- Developed Economy
- Developing Countries
- Development
- Development Aid
- Development Economics
- Diamond-Mirrlees Production Efficiency Lemma
- Diamond–Dybvig Model
- Dickey-Fuller (Df) Test
- Differentiated Bertrand Competition
- Diffusion Of Innovations
- Dillon Round
- Diminishing Marginal Product
- Diminishing Marginal Utility
- Diminishing Returns
- Direct Investment Abroad
- Direct Labour
- Direct Tax
- Director
- Dirigisme
- Dirty Floating
- Discount
- Discount House
- Discount Rate
- Discount Window
- Discounted Cash Flow
- Discounting
- Discounting The Future
- Discouraged Worker
- Discrete Choice
- Discrete Choice Models
- Discrete Distribution
- Discrete Random Variable
- Discrete Variable
- Discretionary Income
- Discretionary Policy
- Discretionary Spending
- Discriminating Monopoly
- Discrimination
- Diseconomies Of Scale
- Disembodied Technical Progress
- Disequilibrium
- Disequilibrium Macroeconomics
- Disguised Unemployment
- Disincentives
- Disinflation
- Disintermediation
- Disinvestment
- Dismissal For Cause
- Dispersed Knowledge
- Dispersion
- Disposable Income
- Disposition Effect
- Dissaving
- Distorted Prices
- Distortions
- Distribution
- Distributional Equity
- Distributional Weight
- Distributive Justice
- Disturbance Term
- Disutility
- Divergence Indicator
- Diversification
- Divestment
- Dividend
- Dividend Control
- Dividend Cover
- Dividend Imputation
- Divorce Of Ownership And Control Of Companies
- Dixit–Stiglitz Model
- Do It Yourself
- Dollar Auction
- Dollar Standard
- Dollarization
- Domar Serfdom Model
- Domestic Credit Expansion
- Domestic Product
- Domestic Rates
- Dominant Firm
- Dominant Strategy
- Domino Effect
- Dorfman-Steiner Theorem
- Dotcom Company
- Double Coincidence Of Wants
- Double Counting
- Double Entry Bookkeeping
- Double Marginalization
- Double Taxation
- Double Taxation Agreement
- Double-Dividend Hypothesis
- Doughnut Economics
- Dove
- Dow Jones
- Downs–Thomson Paradox
- Downside Risk
- Downstream
- Downward-Sloping Demand Curve
- Drawing Rights
- Dual Economy
- Dual-Sector Model
- Duality
- Duggan–Schwartz Theorem
- Dummy Variable
- Dumping
- Duopoly
- Duopsony
- Durable Goods Orders
- Durbin-Watson Test
- Durbin’S Test
- Dutch Auction
- Dutch Disease
- Duty/Ies
- Dynamic Equilibrium
- Dynamic Inconsistency
- Dynamic Inefficiency
- Dynamic Programming
- Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium