
Adjusted R-Squared

Published Apr 5, 2024

Definition of Adjusted R-Squared

Adjusted R-squared is a statistical measure that represents the proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that’s explained by an independent variable or variables in a regression model. Unlike the R-squared value which can misleadingly increase with the addition of more variables, the Adjusted R-squared adjusts for the number of variables in the model, providing a more accurate picture of how well the model fits the data. It is particularly useful in the comparison of models as it compensates for the number of predictors in the model, thus avoiding overfitting.


Imagine you’re trying to predict the profitability of a series of small businesses. You initially include two independent variables in your model: marketing spend and number of employees. The R-squared value of this model might suggest that 80% of the variance in profitability is explained by these variables. However, if you add more variables (like office size, number of branches, etc.) to this model, the R-squared value will naturally increase even if those additional variables don’t truly have a strong relationship with profitability.

This is where Adjusted R-squared comes into play. It accounts for the number of predictors in the model. So, if adding more variables does not improve the model significantly considering the number of variables, the Adjusted R-squared value may actually decrease. This helps in identifying whether adding more variables is truly enhancing the explanatory power of the model or if it’s just inflating the R-squared value without adding significant value.

Why Adjusted R-Squared Matters

Adjusted R-squared is crucial for developing robust, reliable statistical models, especially in economic analyses where models often include multiple variables to predict outcomes. Without Adjusted R-squared, there is a risk of overfitting the model—where a model is too complex, capturing noise rather than the underlying pattern. Overfit models perform well on training data but poorly on unseen data. By providing a more accurate measure that accounts for the number of variables, Adjusted R-squared helps in creating models that generalize better to unseen data, making it an essential tool for researchers and analysts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Adjusted R-squared improve upon the regular R-squared value?

While R-squared gives the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables, it tends to optimistically increase with the addition of more variables, regardless of their relevance. Adjusted R-squared corrects for this by penalizing the addition of irrelevant variables, providing a more accurate measure of how well the model explains the observed outcomes, especially in models with multiple predictors.

Can Adjusted R-squared be negative, and what does that mean?

Yes, Adjusted R-squared can be negative, though it is rare. A negative Adjusted R-squared indicates that the chosen model fits the data worse than a simple horizontal line representing the mean of the dependent variable. This generally suggests that the model is inappropriate or overly complex, signifying the need for model simplification or revision.

Is a higher Adjusted R-squared always indicative of a better model?

While a higher Adjusted R-squared does indicate that the model explains a larger portion of the variance in the dependent variable, it is not the sole criterion for a “better” model. It’s important to consider other factors such as the model’s assumptions, predictive accuracy on unseen data, and the relevance of the included variables. Additionally, in some fields, models that explain a small but important part of the variance can be very valuable, even if the Adjusted R-squared is not particularly high.

How is the Adjusted R-squared calculated?

Adjusted R-squared is calculated using the formula 1 – [(1-R2)(n-1)/(n-p-1)], where R2 is the R-squared value, n is the sample size, and p is the number of predictors in the model. This formula adjusts the R-squared value based on the sample size and number of predictors, penalizing the addition of less useful predictors.