Business Economics

Augmented Product

Published Jul 31, 2023

Definition of Augmented Product

An augmented product is a product that offers additional benefits or services beyond its basic function. It provides additional value to customers, distinguishing it from similar products on the market. These additional benefits or services may include warranties, customer service, or product support, among others.


To illustrate the concept of augmented products, let’s consider the example of a laptop. At its most basic level, a laptop provides the ability to perform computing tasks. However, many laptops are marketed and sold with additional features that enhance the product’s performance and customer experience. Some examples of augmented products in laptops might include:

Extended warranties: Offered by the manufacturer or retailer, extended warranties provide additional protection and peace of mind for customers who purchase the product.

Technical support: Having access to technical support provides customers with a resource they can turn to if they encounter problems using the product or need help troubleshooting an issue.

Customizable software: Some companies offer additional software that can be installed on the laptop to further customize its functionality to the user’s specific needs.

By offering these additional benefits or services, manufacturers and retailers can differentiate their products from competitors and create additional value for customers.

Why Augmented Products Matter

Augmented products can be a powerful tool for companies looking to differentiate their products and provide additional value to customers. By offering additional benefits and services, companies can build stronger customer relationships and improve brand loyalty, which can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth promotion.

Additionally, augmented products can be an important factor in a customer’s purchasing decision, helping them to weigh various options available and choose the product that best fits their needs.