
Capital Stock

Published Jan 22, 2023

Definition of Capital Stock

Capital stock is the total amount of physical capital that a company has at its disposal. That means it includes all the tangible assets that a company owns, such as buildings, machinery, equipment, vehicles, and inventory. It does not include intangible assets such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks.


To illustrate this, let’s look at a small manufacturing company. Let’s say this company owns a factory building, several machines, and a fleet of delivery trucks. In addition to that, it holds a patent for a new product and has several trademarks registered. All of these assets are part of the company’s capital stock, except for the patent, which is an intangible asset (.

Now, let’s assume the company decides to expand its operations and build a new factory. To do this, it needs to purchase additional machinery and equipment. This increases the company’s capital. Similarly, if the company decides to sell some of its assets, the capital stock decreases.

Why Capital Stock Matters

Capital stock is an important indicator of a company’s financial health. It is closely related to the company’s ability to generate profits and grow its business. That means a company with more capital is usually better equipped to take advantage of new opportunities and expand its operations. On the other hand, a company with a small capital stock may struggle to compete in the market. Therefore, it is important for companies to monitor their capital and make sure it is sufficient to meet their needs.