
Causality (In Granger’S Sense)

Published Apr 6, 2024

Definition of Causality (in Granger’s Sense)

Causality, in the context of Granger’s definition, refers to a statistical concept where one time series is useful in forecasting another. This concept, named after the economist Clive Granger, implies that if a variable X Granger-causes variable Y, then past values of X should contain information that helps predict Y above and beyond the information contained in past values of Y alone. It’s important to note that Granger causality does not necessarily imply true causality in the philosophical sense but is a useful tool in econometrics for understanding predictive relationships between time series data.


Consider two economic indicators: consumer confidence (X) and retail sales (Y). If changes in consumer confidence can be shown to consistently precede changes in retail sales, and reliably improve predictions of retail sales, then we might say that consumer confidence Granger-causes retail sales. This would be determined by conducting Granger causality tests, which involve statistical analyses to ascertain if lagged values of consumer confidence significantly add to the prediction of retail sales.

To conduct a Granger causality test, economists would set up a model to forecast retail sales using past values of retail sales alone. Then, they would add lagged values of consumer confidence to the model and observe if the accuracy of the retail sales forecasts improves. If the inclusion of consumer confidence data leads to statistically significant improvements in forecasting accuracy, then it is said that consumer confidence Granger-causes retail sales.

Why Causality (in Granger’s Sense) Matters

Understanding Granger causality is crucial for economists and policymakers because it helps identify leading indicators in the economy. These indicators can be used to make informed decisions and forecasts about economic policy, business strategies, and investment choices. For example, if consumer confidence is found to Granger-cause retail sales, policymakers might focus on measures to boost consumer confidence as a way to indirectly stimulate retail sales.

Furthermore, Granger causality tests contribute to model building and the understanding of complex dynamic relationships between economic variables. They provide a structured approach to examining how various factors influence each other over time, which is essential in disentangling the web of economic interactions and making sense of the vast amounts of data generated by economies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does Granger causality imply true causality?

No, Granger causality does not imply true causality. It only implies that one time series can predict another. The term “causality” in this context is somewhat of a misnomer because the relation it identifies is predictive, not causal in the philosophical or deep scientific sense. True causality implies a fundamental relationship where changes in one factor produce changes in another, which requires more comprehensive analysis and evidence beyond statistical correlation and prediction.

Are there limitations to using Granger causality?

Yes, there are limitations. The primary limitation is that Granger causality requires the data to be stationary, meaning their statistical properties (such as mean and variance) do not change over time. Many economic time series are non-stationary, which can lead to spurious results if not properly addressed. Additionally, Granger causality cannot distinguish between direct causality and indirect causality mediated by other variables not included in the model. Lastly, the results of Granger causality tests can be sensitive to the choice of lag lengths and the presence of omitted variables.

How is Granger causality tested in practice?

In practice, Granger causality is tested using statistical models such as Vector AutoRegression (VAR) among others. These models estimate the relationship between the current value of one variable and past values of itself and other variables. Statistical tests are then applied to determine whether the coefficients on the lagged predictor variables are significantly different from zero, which would indicate that they add predictive value and, hence, Granger-cause the dependent variable. The testing procedure involves careful selection of lag lengths and ensuring that the data meet the necessary statistical assumptions.

Understanding Granger causality and its implications in economics can provide valuable insights into how different factors interact over time, which is pivotal for forecasting, policy-making, and strategic planning in both public and private sectors.