
Coefficient Of Variation

Published Apr 6, 2024

Definition of Coefficient of Variation

The coefficient of variation (CV) is a statistical measure of the relative dispersion or variability of a data set in relation to its mean. It is expressed as a percentage and provides a standardized way of comparing the spread of data points across different scales or units of measurement. By indicating how much variance exists relative to the average value, the CV helps to understand the level of risk, variability, or consistency of a dataset. This measure is particularly useful in fields such as finance, where it’s used to compare the volatility of investment returns.


Consider two stocks, A and B, with average annual returns of 10% and 8%, respectively. If Stock A has a standard deviation of returns of 4%, and Stock B has a standard deviation of 2%, the coefficients of variation for Stocks A and B can be calculated as follows:

  • CV of Stock A = (Standard deviation / Mean) x 100 = (4 / 10) x 100 = 40%
  • CV of Stock B = (Standard deviation / Mean) x 100 = (2 / 8) x 100 = 25%

In this example, even though Stock A has a higher average return, its higher CV indicates a greater level of risk or variability in returns compared to Stock B.

Why Coefficient of Variation Matters

The coefficient of variation is crucial for making informed decisions in fields such as finance, economics, and research. It aids in:

  • Comparing Risk: CV helps investors compare the risk levels of different investment opportunities, especially when the average returns of those investments differ.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: In budgeting, the CV can identify the relative volatility of different cost or revenue streams, aiding in risk assessment and financial planning.
  • Quality Control: In manufacturing and production, the CV is used to measure consistency. A lower CV indicates less variability in product quality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the coefficient of variation be negative?

No, the coefficient of variation cannot be negative because it is a measure based on absolute values of standard deviation and mean, which are always non-negative. A negative CV would not have a meaningful interpretation in statistics.

Is a higher or lower coefficient of variation better?

Whether a higher or lower CV is better depends on the context. In investment, a lower CV might be preferred as it indicates less risk relative to the expected return. However, in cases where variability is desirable (e.g., diversification of investment portfolios), a higher CV might be favorable. The interpretation of CV should always consider the specific objectives and context of the analysis.

How does the coefficient of variation differ from standard deviation?

While both the coefficient of variation and standard deviation measure the spread or variability within a data set, the key difference lies in their relativity and standardization. The standard deviation is an absolute measure of dispersion, indicating how spread out the data points are from the mean. In contrast, the CV expresses this variability relative to the mean, providing a standardized measure that allows for comparison between datasets of different units or scales.

In conclusion, the coefficient of variation is a vital statistical tool that provides insight into the relative risk or variability of different datasets, thereby facilitating informed decision-making across diverse fields such as finance, research, and quality control.