

Published Apr 6, 2024

Definition of Cointegration

Cointegration is a statistical property of a series of time-series variables which, when analyzed, indicate a long-term relationship or equilibrium amongst them, despite being non-stationary when taken individually. Non-stationary data series are those whose statistical properties such as mean, variance, and autocorrelation are not constant over time. However, if these series are cointegrated, it implies that some linear combination of them is stationary, meaning they move together in the long run even though they may diverge in the short term. Cointegration is a crucial concept in econometrics and financial economics, especially in the analysis of time series data that aim to find and quantify long-term economic and financial relationships.


Consider the relationship between consumer spending and household income. Over time, both variables tend to grow, suggesting they are non-stationary. However, economic theory posits that consumer spending is directly influenced by household income. To examine this relationship through the lens of cointegration, one would analyze long-term historical data on spending and income. If it is found that any deviation between consumer spending and household income is temporary and that these variables move together over time (i.e., the gap between them does not widen endlessly), they are said to be cointegrated. Cointegration here means that there’s a long-run equilibrium relationship between consumer spending and household income, ensuring that discrepancies between them are corrected over time.

Why Cointegration Matters

Cointegration holds significant value in economic and financial analyses because it helps in understanding and predicting long-term relationships between variables. For policymakers, recognizing cointegrated relationships enables the formulation of more effective economic policies. For traders and investors, cointegration analysis supports the identification of pairs trading opportunities, where two stocks or assets move together in the long term, allowing for strategic buying and selling.

Furthermore, in econometric modeling, the concept of cointegration is vital for ensuring the validity and reliability of regression analyses involving time series. Without acknowledging cointegration, models risk being spurious, implying false correlations that may lead to incorrect conclusions and poor predictive performance. Hence, cointegration analysis not only helps in identifying and modeling long-term relationships but also in avoiding potentially misleading inferences in time series data.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What differentiates cointegration from correlation?

Cointegration and correlation often get confused, but they are distinct concepts. Correlation measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables, without considering non-stationarity or the long-term equilibrium relationship. Cointegration, on the other hand, specifically addresses long-term equilibrium among non-stationary time series. Two or more series can be highly correlated without being cointegrated if they do not share a common stochastic trend.

How do you test for cointegration?

Several statistical tests are used for detecting cointegration, with the Engle-Granger two-step method and the Johansen test being the most prominent. The Engle-Granger approach involves first checking the individual time series for stationarity, then estimating a long-run relationship via regression, and finally testing the residuals of this regression for stationarity. The Johansen test allows for multiple cointegrating relationships and is conducted within a vector autoregression framework, testing for the presence of cointegrating vectors through likelihood ratio statistics.

Can cointegration relationships change over time?

Yes, cointegration relationships can evolve due to structural breaks or shifts in the underlying economic or financial environments. Significant events such as economic crises, policy changes, or innovation can alter long-term relationships between variables. Consequently, cointegration analysis should be performed with an awareness of the potential for such changes, and models may need to be reassessed over time to ensure they remain valid.