Business Economics

Competitive Intelligence

Published Jun 25, 2023

Definition of Competitive Intelligence

Competitive intelligence refers to the process of gathering and analyzing information about a competitor’s products, business strategies, and industry trends to gain a competitive advantage. It is the practice of systematically gathering, analyzing, and sharing information about competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to improve decision-making.


An example of competitive intelligence is a company that provides marketing services. They may study their competitors’ websites, social media platforms, and marketing strategies to understand what works and what doesn’t. By doing so, they can refine their marketing tactics and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Another example is a company that manufactures smartphones. In such a highly competitive industry, they have to be constantly aware of the latest technology trends, pricing strategies of competitors, and marketing messaging. This awareness allows them to adjust their own offering and build a competitive edge.

Why Competitive Intelligence Matters

Competitive intelligence is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment. In order to stay competitive and succeed, companies need to understand their competitors and industry trends. By gathering and analyzing information about competitors, they can make informed decisions regarding their own offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics. Effective competitive intelligence can help a company avoid costly mistakes, avoid repeating their competitor’s mistakes, and stay ahead of the curve. As such, competitive intelligence is a key aspect of any effective business strategy.