
Consistent Estimator

Published Apr 6, 2024

Definition of Consistent Estimator

A consistent estimator refers to a statistical property of an estimation method in which, as the size of the sample increases to infinity, the estimates produced by the method converge in probability to the true parameter being estimated. Essentially, the more data points you have, the closer your estimate gets to the actual value you’re trying to find. This property is crucial for ensuring that the methods used for estimation in statistics and econometrics yield reliable and accurate results as the sample size grows.


Imagine you’re trying to estimate the average height of all adults in a large city. Initially, you survey a small sample of 50 individuals. Based on this small sample, you calculate an average height—this is your estimate. However, because of the small sample size, there’s a considerable chance that your estimate could be significantly off from the actual average height of all adults in the city.

As you increase your sample size to 500, then 5,000, and so forth, your estimate of the average height should get closer and closer to the true average height of all adults in the city. If your estimation method is consistent, then as the sample size approaches infinity, the estimate will converge to the true average height. This illustrates how a consistent estimator works: it becomes more precise and accurate as more data points (in this case, measurements of individuals’ heights) are included.

Why Consistent Estimator Matters

The concept of a consistent estimator is fundamentally important in the field of statistics and econometrics because it underpins the reliability of empirical research. When researchers are able to use consistent estimators, they can be more confident that their findings reflect true relationships within the data, rather than artifacts of small sample sizes or flawed estimation techniques.

In practical terms, this means that as more data becomes available (either through the accumulation of information over time or through the ability to collect large datasets quickly), analyses that employ consistent estimation methods will automatically refine their outputs, yielding increasingly accurate representations of reality. This enhances the credibility of statistical analysis in economic policy-making, business strategy, and scientific research.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can one determine if an estimator is consistent?

To determine if an estimator is consistent, statisticians look at the estimator’s properties through theoretical derivation and empirical testing. Theoretically, an estimator is consistent if it meets two conditions: unbiasedness (or asymptotically unbiased) and convergence in probability to the true value as the sample size increases. Empirical methods involve simulation studies where the behavior of the estimator is observed across different sample sizes to see if it indeed converges to the parameter being estimated.

Can an estimator be biased and still be consistent?

Yes, an estimator can be biased and still be consistent. Consistency requires that any bias diminishes as the sample size grows to infinity. An estimator that is biased at small sample sizes but whose bias decreases to zero as the sample size increases is considered asymptotically unbiased, and thus, can still be a consistent estimator.

Are there limitations to relying on consistent estimators?

While consistency is a desirable property, it is not the only criterion for selecting an estimator. Other properties such as efficiency (which deals with how much data are needed to achieve a certain level of accuracy) and robustness (the estimator’s sensitivity to deviations from assumptions) are also important. Moreover, in practical applications, researchers rarely deal with infinite sample sizes, so the theoretical guarantee of consistency might not suffice for small samples. Additionally, relying solely on asymptotic properties might overlook important nuances in finite samples, potentially misleading analysis if the assumptions of the model or the estimator do not hold precisely in the real-world data.