
Cumulative Distribution Function

Published Apr 7, 2024

Definition of Cumulative Distribution Function

The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of a random variable is a function that gives the probability that the variable takes a value less than or equal to a certain value. It is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics, providing a complete description of the distribution of a random variable. The CDF is non-decreasing and right-continuous, with limits at minus infinity converging to 0 and at plus infinity converging to 1.


Consider the random variable X that represents the result of rolling a fair six-sided die. The outcomes can be any integer from 1 to 6, each with an equal probability of 1/6. The CDF of X, denoted as F(x), can be described for each value of x as follows:

– F(x) = 0 for x < 1, - F(x) = 1/6 for 1 ≤ x < 2, - F(x) = 2/6 for 2 ≤ x < 3, - F(x) = 3/6 for 3 ≤ x < 4, - F(x) = 4/6 for 4 ≤ x < 5, - F(x) = 5/6 for 5 ≤ x < 6, - F(x) = 1 for x ≥ 6.This function gives us the cumulative probabilities up to each point. For example, the probability that the result of the die roll is less than or equal to 4 is F(4) = 4/6 or 2/3.

Why the Cumulative Distribution Function Matters

The cumulative distribution function is crucial in statistics and probability theory for several reasons:

– It provides a concise way to summarize and visualize the entire distribution of a random variable.
– It is useful for calculating probabilities of intervals. For example, the probability that a variable falls within a range can be found by taking the difference between the CDF at the upper and lower bounds of the range.
– The CDF is fundamental in defining other important statistical measures, such as quantiles and the median.
– It serves as a starting point for statistical hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation, which are central to inferential statistics.

Moreover, the CDF is essential in fields such as economics, engineering, and science, where understanding the distribution of various phenomena allows for better decision-making and predictions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does the cumulative distribution function differ from the probability density function (PDF)?

The Probability Density Function (PDF) of a continuous random variable is a function that represents the density of the variable at a certain point, indicating how likely the variable is to take a value near that point. The CDF, on the other hand, gives the cumulative probability up to a point. The PDF and the CDF are related; the CDF is the integral of the PDF for continuous variables and the sum for discrete variables.

Can the CDF be used for both discrete and continuous random variables?

Yes, the CDF is defined for both discrete and continuous random variables. For discrete variables, the CDF jumps at each value where there is a positive probability. For continuous variables, the CDF is typically a smooth function.

How can the CDF be used to find median and other quantiles?

The median of a distribution is a point where the CDF equals 0.5, meaning there is a 50% chance that the variable takes a value less than or equal to the median. Similarly, other quantiles can be found by looking for values that satisfy the appropriate probabilities. For instance, the first quartile is found where the CDF equals 0.25, indicating that 25% of the distribution lies below this point.

Understanding the cumulative distribution function and its applications is fundamental to mastering concepts in probability and statistics, which provide the groundwork for numerous real-world analyses and decision-making processes.