Business Economics

Customer To Customer (C2C)

Published May 15, 2023

Definition of Customer to Customer (C2C)

Customer to customer (C2C) is a market model where individuals use online platforms to trade goods or services with one another. It allows consumers to sell or exchange goods and services directly with other consumers. This model is a form of e-commerce that connects people who are looking to either buy or sell items outside of traditional marketplace structures.


A common example of C2C is online marketplaces such as eBay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and Amazon Marketplace. These platforms enable people to buy or sell their possessions without going through a middleman, making the transaction cheaper and easier for both parties involved.

For instance, someone looking to sell an old bike can post an ad on one of these marketplaces. Interested consumers can then contact the seller, agree on a price, and arrange for payment and delivery without the need for a formal store or intermediary.

Why C2C Matters

C2C is a convenient model that provides an opportunity for individuals to sell or trade surplus possessions while also helping others find a good deal on something they need. It also allows entrepreneurs to earn money from selling niche products or services online. Thus, C2C marketplaces increase competition and provide a more vast selection of items available for sale or trade.

Furthermore, this type of commerce entails lower transaction costs and fees in comparison to traditional business models. As the world continues to move towards a digital economy, C2C marketplaces provide an excellent platform for people to participate in e-commerce and benefit from the opportunities it presents.