
Demand For Labor

Published Apr 13, 2023

Definition of Demand for Labor

The demand for labor refers to the number of workers that employers are willing and able to hire at a given wage rate. It is determined by the profitability of adding an additional worker to the production process (see also, marginal product of labor), and it depends on several factors, including the state of the economy, the level of demand for the product, and the availability of substitutes for labor, among others.


To illustrate the concept of demand for labor, let’s consider a simple example. Let’s assume that a widget factory is considering hiring additional workers to increase production. The company has determined that it can generate an additional USD 20,000 in revenue for every worker it hires. However, the marginal cost of hiring a worker is USD 15,000 in wages and benefits.

If the market price for widgets is high and demand is strong, the company may be willing to hire several workers because the additional revenue generated by each worker outweighs the costs. However, if the market price for widgets is low and the demand is weak, the company may not be willing to hire any new workers because the additional revenue generated by each worker is not enough to cover the costs.

Why Demand for Labor Matters

Understanding the demand for labor is critical for policymakers, economists, and workers. A strong demand leads to higher wages and increased employment opportunities, which in turn helps to stimulate economic growth. On the other hand, weak demand can lead to unemployment and reduced economic output.

In addition to that, the demand for labor can also be influenced by government policies, such as minimum wage laws and employment regulations. These policies can either improve or limit the availability of employment opportunities, depending on how they impact the profitability of hiring additional workers.

Overall, a better understanding of the demand for labor can help to guide policies that promote more employment opportunities and stronger economic growth.