
Demand Theory

Published Apr 11, 2023

Definition of Demand Theory

Demand theory refers to the study of how consumers behave with regard to the goods and services they purchase. It examines the various factors that affect consumer behavior and how those factors impact demand for different products.

The goal of demand theory is to help businesses and policymakers make decisions that are informed by a strong understanding of consumer behavior.


Imagine a small business that specializes in selling bicycles. According to demand theory, a variety of factors will influence how many bicycles the business is able to sell. For example, if the business is located in an area with a high population of young adults who are interested in fitness and exercise, there will likely be a high demand for bicycles.

On the other hand, if the business is located in an area with a low population density or where the majority of residents are older adults with limited mobility, there may be less demand for bicycles. Additionally, factors like price, competition, and marketing strategy can all impact demand for the product.

Why Demand Theory Matters

Demand theory is an essential tool for businesses and policymakers who need to understand consumer behavior in order to make effective decisions. By analyzing the various factors that influence consumer demand, businesses can make informed decisions about where to locate their operations, which products to offer, how much to charge for those products, and how to market them.

Policymakers can also use demand theory to inform policies related to taxation, regulation, and other issues that impact consumer behavior. Ultimately, demand theory helps to create a more efficient and effective marketplace, enhancing the overall economy and benefiting all participants.