
Durbin-Watson Test

Published Apr 7, 2024

Definition of Durbin-Watson Test

The Durbin-Watson test is a statistical test used to detect the presence of autocorrelation (a relationship between values separated from each other by a given time lag) in the residuals (prediction errors) from a regression analysis. Autocorrelation can be a problem because it violates the assumption of independence among error terms, which is an important assumption of the linear regression model. If the errors in your regression are autocorrelated, it could mean that your model is misspecified or that some key variable is missing.

How the Durbin-Watson Test Works

The test statistic ranges from 0 to 4, where:

  • A value of 2 indicates no autocorrelation.
  • Values approaching 0 indicate positive autocorrelation.
  • Values approaching 4 indicate negative autocorrelation.

To perform the Durbin-Watson test, one first calculates the differences between adjacent residuals from the regression analysis. Then, the test statistic is computed using these differences. The closer this statistic is to the value of 2, the less evidence there is for significant autocorrelation.


Imagine an economist analyzing the impact of advertisement spending on sales revenue. After running a linear regression analysis, they decide to check for autocorrelation in the residuals to ensure the reliability of the regression coefficients. By applying the Durbin-Watson test to the residuals, they obtain a statistic of 1.5. This value suggests a moderate positive autocorrelation, indicating that the economist might need to adjust their model or account for this autocorrelation in their analysis.

Why the Durbin-Watson Test Matters

Understanding and detecting autocorrelation is crucial in regression analysis for several reasons:

  • Model Accuracy: Autocorrelation can lead to biased estimates of the regression coefficients, making the model less accurate.
  • Inference: It affects the standard errors of the coefficients, leading to incorrect conclusions about the statistical significance of predictor variables.
  • Model Specification: Detecting autocorrelation can indicate model misspecification, such as omitted variables or incorrect functional forms, prompting further investigation and model adjustment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do I do if I find autocorrelation in my regression model?

Finding autocorrelation suggests that you need to correct your model. Possible solutions include transforming your data (e.g., differencing series), adding lagged variables, or using more sophisticated time series models like ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average).

Is the Durbin-Watson test applicable for all types of regression analyses?

The Durbin-Watson test is primarily used for linear regression models where the independent variable is not time-ordered. For time series data, other tests, such as the Breusch-Godfrey or Ljung-Box test, might be more appropriate due to the inherent autocorrelated nature of such data.

Can the Durbin-Watson test detect all forms of autocorrelation?

While the Durbin-Watson test is useful for detecting first-order autocorrelation, it might not be as effective for higher-order autocorrelations. For complex autocorrelation structures, additional testing and model adjustments may be necessary.

In conclusion, the Durbin-Watson test is a valuable tool for diagnosing autocorrelation in regression analyses, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of econometric models. By understanding and correcting for autocorrelation, economists and researchers can improve their empirical analyses and draw more accurate conclusions from their data.