
Economic And Social Research Council

Published Apr 7, 2024

Definition of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is a UK-based organization responsible for funding research and training in economic and social sciences. As part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the ESRC supports independent, high-quality research which has the potential to make a significant impact on social and economic issues. By providing financial support for projects that cover a wide range of topics, from economic performance and sustainable growth to public policy and social well-being, the ESRC plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of societal challenges.

Role and Importance

The ESRC not only finances research projects but also fosters the development of skills and knowledge in the economic and social sciences through doctoral training. By doing so, it helps to ensure a steady influx of skilled researchers and professionals capable of tackling complex social and economic issues. Moreover, the findings from ESRC-supported research have profound implications for policymakers, businesses, and the broader community, contributing to the creation of evidence-based policies and innovations that drive societal progress.

Examples of Impact

One example of the ESRC’s impact can be seen in the area of education and skills development. Research funded by the ESRC has led to significant insights into the way children learn and the effectiveness of different teaching methods, which has influenced educational policy and practice. Another area of impact is in understanding economic inequalities and the factors that drive them. By supporting research in this area, the ESRC has contributed to the development of policies aimed at reducing inequality and fostering more inclusive economic growth.

Additionally, the ESRC’s focus on big data and data infrastructure has played a key role in advancing social science research methodologies, allowing researchers to tackle complex issues in novel ways and produce more robust findings.

Why the Economic and Social Research Council Matters

The ESRC is crucial for several reasons:
1. Fostering Innovation: By financing research that pushes the boundaries of our understanding of economic and social issues, the ESRC encourages innovation in addressing some of society’s most pressing challenges.
2. Informing Policy: The research supported by the ESRC provides a vital evidence base that policymakers can use to craft more effective social and economic policies.
3. Building Capacity: Through its support of doctoral training and research skills development, the ESRC helps to build the capacity of the social science community, ensuring a future workforce equipped with the necessary skills to contribute to social and economic development.
4. Enhancing Well-being: Ultimately, the work of the ESRC aims to enhance the well-being of the population by improving economic performance, social structures, and public services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does the ESRC select projects to fund?

The ESRC has a rigorous peer-review process to ensure that only projects of the highest scientific quality and potential social or economic impact receive funding. Proposals are evaluated based on their relevance to the ESRC’s strategic priorities, methodological rigour, and potential for significant contributions to knowledge and society.

Can researchers outside the UK apply for ESRC funding?

While the ESRC primarily funds UK-based researchers and institutions, it also supports international collaboration. Non-UK researchers can be involved in projects as co-investigators, provided the lead institution is based in the UK.

What types of research does the ESRC support?

The ESRC supports a broad range of research topics within the economic and social sciences, including but not limited to economics, sociology, psychology, geography, law, politics, and education. It also prioritizes interdisciplinary research that spans these and other areas.

How does the ESRC contribute to education and training in social sciences?

The ESRC invests in doctoral training partnerships and centres for doctoral training, providing scholarships and funding to PhD students in the social sciences. These training programs are designed to develop highly skilled researchers with the expertise needed to address both academic and real-world challenges.

In conclusion, the Economic and Social Research Council plays a pivotal role in enriching our understanding of the economic and social world, fostering innovations that address critical societal challenges, and building a strong foundation for future research and policy development.