
Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff

Published Mar 7, 2023

Definition of Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff

The equity-efficiency tradeoff is a concept that describes the relationship between the distribution of resources or benefits in a society and the overall efficiency of the economy. It means that an equal distribution of resources can lead to lower economic efficiency. At the same time, a more efficient economy often means a less equal distribution of resources.


To illustrate the equity-efficiency tradeoff, let’s consider a hypothetical example. Imagine a company with 10 employees that produces widgets. Each employee contributes to the production of widgets, but to different degrees. The company has two options for distributing the rewards of its production: a) each employee receives an equal share of the profits, or b) the profits are distributed based on the contribution of each employee.

If the company chooses option a), each employee receives an equal share of the profits, regardless of their actual contribution. This is an example of an equal distribution of resources, but it is not necessarily the most efficient one. Some employees may feel that their hard work is not being rewarded, while others will not contribute much but still profit.

However, if the company chooses option b), the profits will be distributed based on contribution. This will likely lead to a more efficient allocation of resources, but it may not be equitable, as some employees will receive more than others based on their contribution.

Why the Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff Matters

The equity-efficiency tradeoff is an important consideration for policymakers when making decisions about resource allocation and distribution. Achieving perfect equity and efficiency is likely impossible, so policymakers must carefully consider the tradeoff between these two factors and decide on a balance that is acceptable to society. Finding this balance can lead to a more prosperous society with higher levels of productivity, job creation, and economic growth.