
Export Credits Guarantee Department

Published Apr 28, 2024

Definition of Export Credits Guarantee Department

The Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) is the United Kingdom’s official export credit agency. Its primary function is to provide guarantees and insurance for UK exporters against potential losses from overseas trade. This department is a crucial component of the UK government’s strategy to encourage exports and international trade by reducing the financial risks associated with doing business internationally.

Role and Services

The ECGD offers a range of services designed to support UK exporters. These services include:

Export Insurance: Protection against the risk of non-payment by overseas buyers due to commercial or political events.
Credit Guarantees: Guarantees to banks to cover loans to overseas buyers who purchase goods and services from UK exporters.
Bonds and Guarantees: Support for performance bonds, advance payment guarantees, and warranty bonds required in international trade.

Through these services, the ECGD helps UK companies to compete more effectively in the global market by mitigating risks that could deter them from exporting.


Consider a UK-based construction company that has won a contract to build a bridge in a country with political stability concerns. The company might worry about not receiving payment due to potential political upheaval or the buyer’s financial difficulties. By obtaining a guarantee from ECGD, the construction company can proceed with the contract, knowing that it is protected against such risks. This security can make the difference between accepting and declining lucrative overseas contracts.

Why Export Credits Guarantee Department Matters

The support provided by the ECGD is vital for strengthening the UK’s international trade position. Without such support, UK exporters might be unable to take on otherwise attractive international contracts due to the risks involved. By mitigating these risks, the ECGD:

– Encourages UK companies to explore and expand into new markets.
– Supports job creation and economic growth within the UK.
– Helps maintain the global competitiveness of UK businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does the Export Credits Guarantee Department differ from private insurance?

While private insurers also offer export credit insurance, ECGD is backed by the UK government, which can provide a level of security and capacity that might not be available in the private market. This government backing is especially crucial in dealing with countries or projects that involve higher levels of risk.

Are there any restrictions on the type of exports ECGD supports?

The ECGD primarily supports exports of capital goods, services, and intangible assets such as software. There are restrictions based on the type of products or services, the countries involved, and the nature of the transaction. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as the risk level and the project’s alignment with UK government policies.

How does a UK exporter apply for support from the Export Credits Guarantee Department?

UK exporters can apply by contacting the ECGD directly. The application process involves an assessment of the export transaction, the risk involved, and the exporter’s needs. The ECGD will then propose a tailor-made solution to mitigate the identified risks. This process requires detailed information about the transaction, including the nature of the export and the financial stability of the overseas buyer.


The Export Credits Guarantee Department plays a pivotal role in promoting UK exports by providing financial guarantees and insurance against risks associated with international trade. This governmental support enables UK businesses to venture into new markets with confidence, contributing significantly to the UK’s economic prosperity and global trading stature.