
Glejser Test

Published Apr 29, 2024

Definition of Glejser Test

The Glejser test is a statistical procedure used to detect heteroscedasticity in the residuals of a regression model. Heteroscedasticity occurs when the variance of errors from a regression model is not constant across all levels of the independent variable. This phenomenon can lead to inefficiency in the estimates of the model’s coefficients and can compromise the reliability of some standard tests of significance. Named after Herbert Glejser, who proposed the method in the 1960s, the Glejser test is one of several tools used by econometricians and statisticians to identify the presence of heteroscedasticity.


Consider an analysis seeking to understand the impact of advertising on sales volume. A simple linear regression model might suggest that as advertising expenditure increases, so do sales. However, the variance of the prediction errors (differences between observed and predicted sales) could increase with larger advertising budgets, indicating heteroscedasticity. To apply the Glejser test, researchers would first run their initial regression analysis. Then, they would conduct a separate regression, where the absolute values (or sometimes the square root or log) of the residuals from the first model are regressed on one or more independent variables or transformations of them, like the square or square root of advertising expenditure in this example.

If the secondary regression shows significantly non-zero coefficients, it suggests that heteroscedasticity is present, as the size of the errors varies systematically with the explanatory variable. Therefore, the Glejser test helps in diagnosing the specific nature and presence of heteroscedasticity in the model.

Why Glejser Test Matters

Understanding and diagnosing heteroscedasticity is crucial for accurate econometric modeling. If heteroscedasticity is present and unaddressed, it can lead to misleading statistical inferences. This is because standard least squares regression, which assumes constant error variances, may provide inefficient, and in some cases, biased estimators of the regression coefficients. By identifying heteroscedasticity using the Glejser test or other methods, researchers can apply appropriate remedies, such as using weighted least squares instead of ordinary least squares, to improve the estimations and inferences made from the model. Therefore, the Glejser test is an important diagnostic tool in the toolbox of those conducting econometric analyses, ensuring that the assumptions underlying regression analysis are met and increasing the reliability of the findings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What makes the Glejser test different from other tests for heteroscedasticity?

The Glejser test is unique because it directly tests for a specific type of heteroscedasticity by regressing the absolute or transformed residuals on the independent variables or their transformations. Other tests, like the Breusch-Pagan or White tests, might examine the squared residuals or involve complex calculations and comparisons against a chi-square distribution, making the Glejser test a more straightforward option for certain datasets or specific forms of heteroscedasticity.

Can the Glejser test be used for any regression model?

The Glejser test is generally applicable to linear regression models where the assumption of homoscedasticity (constant variance of errors) is crucial for reliable inference. While it can be applied to a wide range of models, its effectiveness and the interpretation of its results can vary depending on the context and the underlying data structure. For nonlinear models or situations where the variance is hypothesized to change in a non-linear manner with the predictors, other tests or approaches might be more appropriate.

What should researchers do if they find heteroscedasticity using the Glejser test?

Upon detecting heteroscedasticity with the Glejser test, researchers should consider employing remedial measures to address this issue. Options include transforming the dependent variable (e.g., using a log transformation), using robust standard errors that are less sensitive to heteroscedasticity, or applying a weighted least squares regression approach where observations are weighted inversely by an estimate of their variance. The choice among these alternatives depends on the nature of the heteroscedasticity, the research objectives, and the specific conditions of the study.

In essence, the Glejser test serves as a critical step in validating the assumptions behind regression analyses, ensuring that the conclusions drawn are both accurate and reliable.