
Head Of Household

Published Oct 25, 2023

Definition of Head of Household

The head of household refers to the person who is considered the primary financial provider and decision-maker for a household. This individual is typically responsible for the financial well-being and management of the household, including making important decisions related to budgets, expenses, and investments. The head of household is often the person who earns the most income or has the highest level of financial responsibility within the household.


For example, consider a family with a married couple and their two children. The husband is the primary breadwinner, earning the majority of the household income, while the wife works part-time. In this scenario, the husband would typically be considered the head of household, as he is the primary financial provider and decision-maker for the family. He would be responsible for managing the family’s finances, budgeting for expenses, and making decisions regarding savings and investments.

Why Head of Household Matters

Understanding the concept of the head of household is important for various reasons. It allows for the proper identification and recognition of the individual who holds financial responsibility and decision-making authority within a household. This designation can have implications for tax purposes, as certain tax benefits and deductions may be available to individuals who qualify as heads of household. Additionally, understanding the head of household concept helps in analyzing household dynamics and decision-making processes, as well as determining financial roles and responsibilities within a family or household unit.