
Input-Output Analysis

Published Oct 25, 2023

Definition of Input-Output Analysis

Input-Output Analysis is an economic tool that measures the interdependence between different sectors of an economy. It provides a detailed understanding of the flow of goods, services, and money within an economy by tracking how inputs from one sector are used as outputs in other sectors. This analysis helps policymakers and businesses make informed decisions about resource allocation, economic planning, and policy development.


To illustrate the concept of Input-Output Analysis, let’s consider an economy with three sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, and services. The agriculture sector produces crops and raw materials, which serve as inputs for the manufacturing sector to produce goods. The manufacturing sector, in turn, supplies finished products to the services sector, which provides various services to consumers.

Using Input-Output Analysis, we can determine the relationships between these sectors. For example, we can analyze how much output from the agriculture sector is used as input in the manufacturing sector and how much of that output is consumed by the services sector. This analysis helps policymakers identify key sectors for economic growth and development, understand the impact of changes in one sector on others, and plan for potential disruptions or changes in the economy.

Why Input-Output Analysis Matters

Input-Output Analysis is essential for understanding the complexity and interconnectedness of modern economies. It provides valuable insights into the relationships between different sectors and helps policymakers and businesses evaluate the potential effects of policy changes, resource allocation, and economic shocks.

By conducting Input-Output Analysis, governments can identify sectors that require investment or support to stimulate economic growth. Businesses can use this analysis to identify new market opportunities or assess potential risks and vulnerabilities to their supply chains. Overall, Input-Output Analysis facilitates informed decision-making and contributes to the efficient and sustainable development of economies.