

Published Apr 29, 2024

Definition of Interpolation

Interpolation is a method used to estimate or find out a value within a set of known values. It’s a technique commonly used in mathematics and statistics to predict unknown values by utilizing a sequence of values that are already known. Interpolation can be applied across various fields such as engineering, science, and finance, offering a means to achieve more accurate data points in datasets where some data may be missing or when smoothing out the data is necessary.


Imagine a scenario where a scientist is measuring the temperature at various times during the day to study its variation. Measurements are taken at 10:00, 12:00, and 14:00 hours with temperatures of 20°C, 22°C, and 24°C, respectively. However, the scientist is interested in the temperature at 13:00 hours, which was not measured. Using interpolation, the scientist can estimate the temperature at 13:00 by analyzing the known temperatures before and after that time. Assuming a linear relationship between time and temperature, the estimated temperature at 13:00 would be approximately 23°C. This process of filling in the missing value based on the existing data points exemplifies the core essence of interpolation.

Why Interpolation Matters

Interpolation is crucial for understanding trends and making predictions in datasets where obtaining every possible data point is impractical or impossible. It allows researchers and analysts to make informed decisions based on a complete data set, even when some data is missing. In engineering, for example, interpolation can help in designing components based on a few measurements. In finance, it assists in determining the value of financial instruments between two known values. Interpolation, therefore, plays a vital role in data analysis, helping to improve accuracy, make predictions, and fill in gaps within datasets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the most common types of interpolation methods?

There are several interpolation methods, with linear interpolation being the most basic and commonly used. It assumes a straight-line relationship between the known data points. Other methods include polynomial interpolation, which fits a polynomial curve to the data points, and spline interpolation, which uses piecewise polynomials to achieve a smoother curve. Each method has its application, depending on the nature of the data and the desired level of accuracy.

How do interpolation and extrapolation differ?

While both interpolation and extrapolation are methods for estimating unknown values, they differ primarily in their application range. Interpolation is used to estimate values within the range of known data points. In contrast, extrapolation is applied to predict values outside the range of known data, which often involves a higher degree of uncertainty and speculation.

Can interpolation be used for all types of data?

Interpolation is most effective with numerical and continuous data, where there’s a logical sequence or relationship between data points. It might not be suitable for categorical data or cases where the relationship between data points is non-linear or complex without applying more sophisticated methods like non-linear interpolation or adapting the available methods to fit the data characteristics.

What are the limitations of interpolation?

One major limitation of interpolation is the assumption that the trend between known data points can be accurately extended to unknown points. This might not always be the case, especially for non-linear data or when the known points are widely spaced apart, leading to potential inaccuracies. Also, interpolation does not account for any potential external factors that may affect the data points, meaning it might oversimplify complex real-world phenomena.