

Published Jan 5, 2023

Definition of Liberalism

Liberalism is a general political ideology that emphasizes individual freedom, limited government, and free markets. It is based on the belief that individuals should be free to pursue their own interests and that the government should be limited in its power and scope.


To illustrate this, let’s look at the example of taxation. According to liberals, taxes should be kept as low as possible because they limit the freedom of individuals to pursue their own interests. Proponents of liberalism also believe that the government should only collect taxes to fund essential services, such as national defense, infrastructure, and education.

Why Liberalism Matters

Liberalism is arguably one of the most popular political ideologies in the western world because it emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and limited government. It is also closely related to the concept of democracy since it promotes the idea that individuals should have the right to pursue their own interests without interference from authorities.

Furthermore, it is also closely related to the concept of libertarianism in the sense that it suggests that individuals should be free to engage in any legal economic activities they like without interference from the government.