
Log-Normal Distribution

Published Apr 29, 2024

Definition of Log-Normal Distribution

Log-normal distribution is a statistical distribution of random variables whose logarithm is normally distributed. This means that while the variable itself is not distributed normally, its logarithm is. Such a distribution is skewed to the right, indicating that it is positively skewed, and it is used to describe distribution patterns where the data can only assume positive values, and the range of values is large. Common examples include income distribution, stock prices, and sizes of living organisms.


Consider the stock prices of a particular company over time. These prices can never be negative (as stocks cannot have a negative value), and typically, the range can be quite wide, from very low to very high values. If we take the logarithm of these stock prices, we may find that these log-transformed values follow a normal distribution, even though the original stock prices do not. This kind of distribution can help in modeling the changes in stock prices more accurately than a normal distribution for the prices themselves.

In a practical scenario, financial analysts might prefer using the log-normal distribution to model stock prices because it accounts for the asymmetric volatility seen over time, where stock prices have a bounded lower limit (they can’t fall below zero) but no upper bound.

Why Log-Normal Distribution Matters

Understanding and utilizing the log-normal distribution is crucial in various fields, especially in economics, finance, and environmental studies, because it helps in making accurate predictions and assessments where variables exhibit asymmetrical spread. It allows for a more realistic modeling of economic phenomena, asset prices, and sizes of biological attributes that cannot assume negative values.

For instance, in finance, it is instrumental in option pricing models, risk management, and portfolio optimization. It provides a more accurate analysis of return rates over time, recognizing that price movements are proportional rather than absolute.

The distribution’s right skew also means that there is a higher probability of extreme high values, which can be particularly important for risk assessment – planning for the worst-case or best-case scenarios in financial markets, insurance, and investment strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does the log-normal distribution differ from the normal distribution?

The main difference lies in the nature and characteristics of the data they best describe. The normal distribution is symmetrical and can describe data that ranges from negative to positive values with a mean of zero. In contrast, the log-normal distribution is skewed, only models positive values, and is used when data spreads over several orders of magnitude. The transformation to the log-normal distribution is achieved by taking the natural logarithm of all data points, which would then, ideally, follow a normal distribution.

Why can’t negative values be modeled by log-normal distribution?

The log-normal distribution deals with variables that are strictly positive because it’s derived from taking the natural logarithm of the values. Since the logarithm of a negative number is not defined in the realm of real numbers, the distribution cannot accommodate negative values. This attribute makes the log-normal distribution suitable for modeling phenomena where values are inherently positive (e.g., prices, sizes).

Can log-normal distribution be used to model income inequality?

Yes, the log-normal distribution is often used to model income distributions within economies because income cannot be negative and the distribution of income tends to be right-skewed – a large number of people earn relatively low incomes, while a small number earn very high incomes. The log-normal distribution can help illustrate and analyze the extent of income inequality, guiding policy decisions aimed at addressing such disparities.

What are the implications of using log-normal distribution in financial analysis?

Using the log-normal distribution in financial analysis allows analysts to work with a model that more accurately reflects the reality of financial variables, such as stock prices, which cannot be negative and are prone to experience significant, asymmetric fluctuation. This leads to better risk management, option pricing, and portfolio construction. It acknowledges that returns are multiplicative rather than additive, providing a foundation for more sophisticated and realistic financial modeling.

In conclusion, the log-normal distribution plays a pivotal role in various analytical procedures, especially in fields dealing with non-negative, asymmetrically spread variables. Its application ranges from finance to biology, offering a more refined lens through which to view complex data patterns.