
Mature Industry

Published Oct 25, 2023

Definition of Mature Industry

A mature industry is an industry that has reached its peak in terms of growth and development. It is characterized by stable market conditions, slow or stagnant growth rates, and a high level of market saturation. In a mature industry, most companies have already established their positions and market shares, and there is little room for new entrants.


The automobile industry is a classic example of a mature industry. It has been around for over a century and has seen significant growth and development during its early years. However, in recent decades, the industry has reached its maturity stage. The market is saturated with various car manufacturers, and the growth rate has slowed down.

In a mature industry like the automobile industry, competition is intense, and companies strive to maintain or increase their market share by focusing on product differentiation, cost reduction, and customer loyalty. Innovation is still important, but it mainly revolves around incremental improvements rather than groundbreaking discoveries.

Additionally, mature industries often experience consolidation as larger companies acquire smaller ones to gain a competitive advantage and increase their market power. This consolidation leads to fewer players in the market and a higher barrier to entry for potential new entrants.

Why Mature Industries Matter

Understanding and identifying mature industries is crucial for investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers. For investors, mature industries may offer stable and predictable returns on investment, but the potential for significant growth may be limited. Entrepreneurs should carefully consider market conditions and competition before entering a mature industry, as it can be challenging to gain market share and establish a profitable business.

From a policy perspective, mature industries often have a significant impact on the economy in terms of employment, production, and tax revenue. Policymakers need to consider the specific challenges and opportunities presented by mature industries to ensure sustainable economic growth and competitiveness.