
Maximum Likelihood Estimator

Published Apr 29, 2024

Definition of Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)

The Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) is a method used in statistics for estimating the parameters of a statistical model. This method estimates the parameter values that maximize the likelihood function, meaning it finds the parameter values that make the observed data most probable. The essence of MLE is to choose parameter values for a model so that the observed data is the most likely outcome of the model.


Consider we are studying the height of adult males in a particular region and are assuming that these heights follow a normal distribution. We have a sample of heights, and we want to estimate the mean (μ) and the variance (σ2) of the entire population’s height. Using MLE, we would calculate the values of μ and σ2 that maximize the likelihood of observing our sample data. In practical terms, this often involves taking the natural logarithm of the likelihood function to simplify the computation, resulting in what’s known as the log-likelihood function. The values of μ and σ2 that give the highest log-likelihood are considered the MLEs for the population mean and variance.

Why Maximum Likelihood Estimator Matters

MLE is crucial in many fields of science and economics because it provides a consistent and efficient method for parameter estimation. It is especially favored due to its desirable statistical properties; under certain conditions, MLEs are unbiased, consistent (the estimates converge to the true parameter values as sample size increases), and efficient (they have the lowest possible variance among all unbiased estimators). Moreover, MLE provides a foundation for statistical inference, allowing for hypothesis testing and the construction of confidence intervals. Therefore, understanding and applying MLE can significantly enhance the reliability and validity of research findings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does MLE differ from other estimation methods?

MLE differs from other estimation methods, such as Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), in its approach and assumptions. While OLS minimizes the sum of squared differences between the observed and predicted values, MLE seeks the parameter values that make the observed data most likely under the assumed model. This fundamental difference means that MLE can be more broadly applied, especially in situations where the error terms are not normally distributed or when dealing with complex probabilistic models.

What are the limitations of Maximum Likelihood Estimation?

Despite its advantages, MLE has limitations. It can be sensitive to the assumptions of the model, such as the specified distribution of the error terms. If these assumptions are violated, the MLE may be biased or inconsistent. Additionally, calculating MLE can be computationally intensive for complex models, as it often requires numerical methods to maximize the likelihood function.

Can MLE be used for non-parametric models?

MLE is primarily a parametric method, meaning it requires a specific functional form of the model and a distribution of the error terms. It is not directly applicable to non-parametric models that do not assume a specific functional form. However, variations of the MLE concept are used in some non-parametric settings, such as the maximum likelihood type estimation in kernel density estimation.

How does sample size affect the performance of MLE?

The performance of MLE improves with an increase in sample size. According to the law of large numbers and central limit theorem, as the sample size increases, the MLE becomes more accurate (unbiased) and precise (lower variance), converging to the true parameter values of the population. This characteristic is known as the consistency of MLE.

Understanding MLE and its application is fundamental for professionals and researchers across various disciplines. Its ability to provide statistically efficient, unbiased, and consistent estimates underpins its widespread use in empirical research, making it a cornerstone of parametric statistical analysis.