
Median Voter Theorem

Published Jan 6, 2023

Definition of Median Voter Theorem

The Median Voter Theorem is an economic theory that states that in a multi-party system, the party that is closest to the median voter’s preferences will win the election. That means if voters and parties are distributed on a one-dimensional spectrum according to their preferences (i.e., preferred parties placed closer to the voters), the party that is closest to the median voter will be able to capture the majority of the votes and win the election.


To illustrate this, let’s look at a hypothetical election between two parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives. The median voter in this election is a moderate voter who is in the middle of the political spectrum. That means the Liberals and the Conservatives must both try to appeal to this voter in order to win the election.

Now, let’s assume the Liberals are placed slightly to the left of the median voter and the Conservatives are placed more off to the right of the median voter. In this case, the Liberals will be able to capture the majority of the votes and win the election.

Why Median Voter Theorem Matters

The Median Voter Theorem is an important concept in economics and political science. It helps to explain why parties in a two-party system tend to move toward the center of the political spectrum. That is, why they try to appeal to the median voter. This phenomenon is often referred to as the “median voter effect”. In addition to that, this theorem can also be used to explain why certain policies are adopted or rejected by governments.