Basic Principles

Medium Of Exchange

Published Jan 6, 2023

Definition of Medium of Exchange

A medium of exchange is an item that is used to facilitate transactions between two parties. That means it is a tool that is used to buy and sell goods and services. This constitutes one of the three functions of money. In most cases, the medium is a form of currency, such as coins, paper money, or digital money.


To give an example of a medium of exchange, let’s look at the US Dollar. The US Dollar is the official currency of the United States and is used as a medium of exchange in virtually all domestic transactions and a significant share of all other transactions around the world. That means when you go to the store to buy groceries, you can pay with US Dollars. The same applies to online purchases, payments for services, and so on.

Why Medium of Exchange Matters

Mediums of exchange are essential for any economy. Without them, it would be much more tedious to buy and sell goods and services (i.e., people would have to revert back to barter). In other words, money is the foundation of any market-based economy. In addition to that, mediums of exchange also help to reduce transaction costs and they make it easier to compare the value of different goods and services. Furthermore, they also help to reduce the risk of fraud, because they are a trusted and widely accepted form of payment.