Basic Principles

Natural Resources

Published Jan 7, 2023

Definition of Natural Resources

Natural resources are materials and substances that occur naturally in the environment and can be used for economic gain. That means they are materials that are found in nature and can be used to produce goods and services, such as land, water, air, minerals, plants, and animals.


To illustrate this, let’s look at the example of a small fishing village. The village is located on the coast and has access to the sea. That means the villagers can use the sea as a source of food and income. They can catch fish and sell them in the local market. In addition to that, they can use the sea to transport goods and people to other villages. Thus, the sea is a natural resource that provides the villagers with food, income, and transportation.

Why Natural Resources Matter

Natural resources are essential for the survival and prosperity of any society. They provide us with the materials we need to produce goods and services. Without them, no economy could prosper. Natural resources are often used to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. That means they are an important factor in the development of any society.

Therefore, they must be protected. Because they are so valuable, natural resources are often at risk of being exploited. Thus, if policymakers are aware of how important these resources are, they can do what needs to be done to protect them.